Art Collection Reflects Suzanne Schneider’s Colorful Life Story

Art Collection Reflects Suzanne Schneider’s Colorful Life Story

If a picture is worth a thousand words, Suzanne Schneider’s Mayflower residence speaks volumes. Every wall is hung with paintings and artworks gathered in her travels across the globe. And — from the machiner’s chests once used to store women’s jewelry to the...

Meet the Mayflower: Lawrie Platt Hall: A Lifetime of Achievements

Meet the Mayflower: Lawrie Platt Hall: A Lifetime of Achievements

Corporate communicator … consultant … mentor … non-profit organizer ... volunteer. Lawrie Platt Hall has done it all. And for a career filled with accomplishments, she was fittingly honored with the Winter Park Chamber of Commerce’s Women of Influence Lifetime...

Meet The Mayflower: “Moving Here Changed My Life”

Meet The Mayflower: “Moving Here Changed My Life”

Henry Morrell moved to The Mayflower seeking the security of long-term healthcare. What he found was a whole new life. “After my wife passed away, the house got quieter and quieter – and my world was getting smaller,” he says. “I didn’t want to live alone – and I...

What’s a Senior Living Community Really Like? Ask the Residents!

What’s a Senior Living Community Really Like? Ask the Residents!

When you’re planning a move to a senior living community, there are countless factors to consider, research, and compare: location, ambience, types of residences, services and amenities, programs, healthcare options, pricing – just for starters. Gathering all that...

Raising the Bar: Top Trends in Senior Living

Raising the Bar: Top Trends in Senior Living

By 2030, all Baby Boomers — more than 61 million people — will be over the age of 65. And with healthcare technology getting better by the day, they’re likely to live longer, healthier lives than any generation before them. That heralds change for senior living,...

By Design: The Latest in Luxury

By Design: The Latest in Luxury

How would you describe the upcoming Waterside Residences at Bristol Landing? In a word: inspired. From open-concept living spaces to an abundance of natural light and greenery, our designers and architects are using best-in-class techniques to create homes that...

Landmark Expansion Raises the Bar for Senior Living

Landmark Expansion Raises the Bar for Senior Living

On a picture-perfect day in February, The Mayflower officially broke ground on Bristol Landing, beginning a new chapter in the community’s history. Community leaders and dignitaries gathered for a ceremony broadcast on Facebook to celebrate the occasion – and the...

Construction Begins on Health Center at Bristol Landing

Construction Begins on Health Center at Bristol Landing

When planning an expansion of their community, Mayflower leaders envisioned a brand-new neighborhood that would incorporate cutting-edge trends and best practices to meet the needs of today’s and tomorrow’s older adults. Now, that vision is becoming reality....

The Right Way to Right-Size

The Right Way to Right-Size

No matter where you are in life, getting ready for your next move is never easy. But if you’re daunted by the prospect of downsizing, don’t worry – help is on the way. In nearly two decades as a move manager, Brenny Watt has helped countless clients navigate the whole...

Landmark Expansion Raises the Bar for Senior Living

Bristol Landing Is Going Vertical!

What began as a bold vision for the future, supported by a strategic, data-driven master plan, is now becoming a reality: Construction is set to begin on our brand-new neighborhood, Bristol Landing at The Mayflower! The largest expansion project in our community’s...

Ready for a Change in 2021?

Ready for a Change in 2021?

Do you wish the future could be more predictable? Are you caught up in the worries and hassles of everyday life? Does it feel like you don’t have enough time in the day to focus on doing what you love? Are you ready for a change? If you answered “yes” to any of the...

The Gift of a Lifetime

The Gift of a Lifetime

The year 2020 was like no other. According to a recent poll in the Washington Post, readers described it in terms ranging from “exhausting” … to “chaotic” … to “surreal.” Whatever your feelings, it’s safe to say that the past 12 months forced all of us to view life...

By Design: Three Ways to Refresh Your Décor – and Your Lifestyle

By Design: Three Ways to Refresh Your Décor – and Your Lifestyle

Welcome back to ‘By Design,’ The Mayflower’s blog series on art and architecture – and the ways they impact us. Previously, we’ve talked about how our surroundings shape our health, happiness, and relationships – and we’ve explored some of Winter Park’s best-loved...

Seeking Simplicity

Seeking Simplicity

Lawn care, roof repair, leaky pipes, storm prep: Life is full of snags, hassles and nuisances that can multiply with time. Keeping up with that balance can leave you feeling overwhelmed, without enough time to focus on doing what you love. But the solution isn’t...

Standing in Honor of Service

Standing in Honor of Service

“In a world tormented by tension and the possibilities of conflict, we meet in a quiet commemoration of a historic day of peace,” said John F. Kennedy in his 1961 Veterans Day Address. This year more than most, those words have the ring of truth. The first Veterans...

By Design: The Architecture of Winter Park

By Design: The Architecture of Winter Park

Welcome to part four of “By Design,” The Mayflower’s blog series on art, architecture, and the ways they impact us. Previously, we discussed how our surroundings can shape our health, happiness, and relationships in a behind-the-scenes tour of our upcoming Club House...

By Design: Inviting the Outdoors In

By Design: Inviting the Outdoors In

Welcome to part three of “By Design,” The Mayflower’s blog series on art, architecture and culture. In parts one and two of this series, we discussed how our surroundings shape the way we have fun, make friends, and thrive. This week, we continue our behind-the-scenes...

By Design: The Form and Function of Fun

By Design: The Form and Function of Fun

Welcome to part two of “By Design,” The Mayflower’s blog series on art, architecture and culture. You can read part one here, where architect Emily Jimerson discussed how design and décor can foster warmth, friendship and good spirits. Now, we continue our...

By Design: Creating Spaces That Connect Us

By Design: Creating Spaces That Connect Us

Can warm surroundings spark closer friendships? Does your outlook improve in a room with a view? Possibly, yes. Americans spend about 90% of their time indoors, and scientific research suggests our surroundings can shape our lives more than we think. “Buildings and...